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Surveys are great means that help in numerous fields. And one of the audiences that can benefit is students of any age. Teachers and administrators across the world are using surveys for students to show their progress and get feedback from their teachers. In fact, surveys have been found to help students learning and parents satisfaction.

Then, what are some of the online surveys for students and how to make them the best way? thanks to the free survey maker of, creating your survey from scratch is easier than ever. Or you can simply administer the survey by modifying the questions. So if you’re ready to start creating free student surveys, is here with some tips to help you get started.

Benefits of using surveys in schools

Surveys about education offer a great way for teachers to get insights into the thoughts and feelings of their students. By asking the right questions, surveys for school students can help teachers determine areas where students may be struggling, or uncover topics that are of particular interest to them. 

Additionally, educational surveys can help school leaders track the progress of their students over time, allowing them to really see how they are evolving both academically and socially. To improve the teaching quality and bring fun to classroom activities you can also create an online quiz, or an online trivia quiz with!

Furthermore, during e-learning or online education, using one of the helpful school surveys is going to be very effective. Keeping your students interested during online education may be harder than learning in a classroom. However, as a teacher, if you make use of effective surveys to have your students engaged in the topic you are teaching, you will help improve students’ success!

How to make surveys more interesting for students

Surveys can be a lot more interesting for students if you make sure to ask the right questions. Instead of asking students to share personal information, try to focus on questions that are relevant to their lives. For example, you could ask students about their favorite TV shows or what they plan to do over the summer with an open-ended question. 

By asking interesting questions, you can help students feel more engaged with the survey process. Additionally, surveys that are relevant to students’ lives can help teachers get a better understanding of their students’ thoughts and feelings. Here are the tips to have in mind when creating your student surveys and others:

Create a more complex survey with conditional logic!

Make sure to use of a survey tool like and their smart features. For example, with the smart and effective conditions feature of forms app, you can set the questions to be shown after specific questions to go into details. You can set the rules and choose which questions to show or hide with one simple selection!

Get started with free survey templates on

There are a number of different ways to create surveys, but using a free survey template can make the process much simpler. Online templates are available for all sorts of surveys, from school surveys to market research surveys. Templates and survey questions are typically customizable, so you can personalize them to fit the needs of your survey participants. Here are three templates to get you started: