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Learn How to Grow a Big Poinsettia as a Tree and flaunt this colorful specimen in your garden for a vivid in the festive season!

Here are some top tips and tricks on How to Grow a Big Poinsettia as a Tree to help you have this wonderful plant as a focal point in your garden!

Learn Growing Poinsettias from Cuttings here

Choose the Right Poinsettia 

If you want to grow poinsettia as a tree, then keep in mind that not all varieties can be trained to grow tall.

For the unique tree-like look, go for large and vigorous cultivars like ‘Prestige Maroon,’ ‘Viking Red,’ ‘Freedom White,’ White Wonder,’ J’adore Pink,’ Santa Claus Pink,’ Visions of Grandeur, and ‘Monet Twilight.’

Note: While starting a poinsettia as a tree, do remember hybrid poinsettias remain compact, whereas heirloom varieties attain a good height.

Find How to Buy the Best Poinsettias here

How to Grow Poinsettia as a Tree?

1. Select the Right Pot

To make sure the poinsettia takes a tree-like shape, use the size container size. Start the plant in an 8-12 inches pot and then keep on transferring it to a bigger container as it reaches a good height.

Remember, keeping it in a smaller pot will limit its growth, while a bigger pot will give the roots more room to grow, ultimately aiding the plant height.

Find Are Poinsettias Poisonous to Cats and Dogs? here

2. Use Gibberellic Acid

Gibberrelic acid is scientifically proven to stimulate the elongation of cell division in poinsettias. It is also used by commercial growers to enhance plant growth. However it is important to use higher levels of concentration (50 ppm) for notable changes.

For easy application, look for the powdered form and mix one pinch of the hormone in one gallon water. Mix well and use it to water the poinsettias.

3. Provide Sunlight

As a rule of thumb, Poinsettias are displayed as houseplants under the shade. However, it is important to provide the plant with a minimum of six hours of direct sunlight to help it grow in its full glory.

Do not expose the plant to afternoon sun, as that might burn the foliage.

4. Stake The Plant at the Right Time

Stake your poinsettia tree so it won’t grow downwards or sideways. However, doing it at the right time is really important as it will help the stems to grow straight and strong from a young age.

The best time to stake the plant is when it reaches a height of 1-2 feet. You can use a plastic, bamboo stake, or iron rods and attach the plant’s main stem with twine.

Learn How to Get a Poinsettia to Turn Red here

5. Give it a Tall Appearance by Pruning and Pinching

Remove side branches to maintain a single-stemmed trunk, followed by pinching to encourage canopy. Eliminate axillary branches and the lower leaves to help the plant focus its energy on making the single-stem trunk tall and strong. Cut off side branches when they are between 1-2 inches long,

Once the single stem is developed into a trunk, avoid removing the foliage, as leaving them will help to boost trunk strength as the plant will absorb more light through them.

Check out the 16 Attractive Ideas to Decorate your Home with Poinsettias here

6. Protect it from Frost

Keep your poinsettia away from cold and windy conditions, as they can wilt the leaves and bracts. When the temperature dips below 50 F, the cold hardiness of this plant is below its resistance point and results in leaf drop. For this reason, grow plants outdoors in summer and move indoors before any chance of cold emerge.

7. Just Wait!

While doing all these things listed above, the most important is patience. It takes time to develop a poinsettia as a tree, at least a couple of years.

Check out the 37 Best Poinsettia Varieties here

Tips for Maintaining Poinsettia as a Tree

Read about Poinsettia Care Tips & Growing Guide here