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In this article we’ll have a look at what’s the easiest way of including a WooCommerce button on a pricing table in WordPress.When visitors will click the WooCommerce button, the item that it is linked to will be included the their shopping cart. Of all, do not forget to

check out the video at the top of the page for the full experience. Establish the WooCommerce Products Before actually adding the button, you need to link

it to a product/ service that you are selling on your website.To do this, look for the”Products “entry in the WordPress admin dashboard: Look for the Products item in the WordPress admin dashboard

Here, you will have all your products listed.If you don’t have any of them yet, you can constantly add a new one, either by clicking on “Include New” or “Import” (to import a CSV file):

Add or Import a new WooCommerce product

You can either include a new item or import one as a CSV file Then, you can go ahead and offer your item a name, connect an image,

set the cost, etc.Once you have an item that you are ready to offer and you wish to link a button to it, look for the ID of that item:

Look for the WooCommerce Product ID

Search for the Item ID and copy it Link the Button to the Item Progressing, we’ll include a prices table on one of our pages.For this step, you can use the WordPress editor or some plugins that a rates table option.We’ll use the Thrive Architect plugin for WordPress. It’s the most convenient one to use.To include a rates table, merely drag the” Pricing Table”component from the Architect editor and location it on the page: Try to find the Prices Table aspect and add it on the page Then, you can choose a design template for the pricing table and make any additional modifications you

choose. On the pricing table you generally have 3 boxes, you can use each box to represent one of your products.To link a button to among the items, just choose it and search for the “Button Link

“field on the sidebar: Search for the Button Link field on the sidebar, after you have chosen the button In this field, type the following link:!.?.!/cart/?add-to-cart=ID!.?.!​ Instead of enter the actual URL of your WordPress website You can then click on”Save”, and you’re done! Now, when a visitor will click that button, the item will be contributed to his shopping cart and he will be sent out to a checkout page.Are you going to use Thrive Architect to link your buttons to WooCommerce? Let us know in the comments below.