Rose of Sharon (Hibiscus syriacus) is a type of hibiscus often used in landscaping for desired vertical accents. Many homeowners want to know how to propagate Rose of Sharon plants to share with others.
The shrub grows quite tall, often above 7′ or even 10′ feet, and produces masses of purple, pink or red flowers in the summer. While ordinary varieties of Rose of Sharon can be grown from seeds, many hybrids can no longer produce seeds naturally.
Other hybrids, by definition, will not breed true from seeds. Fortunately, it is easy to start this Hibiscus from cuttings.
With little effort or expense, gardeners can produce many new plants. Create true copies of hybrid plants if you especially like their flowers.
Tips On Propagating Rose Of Sharon
Here are the steps to consider when taking cuttings of the Rose of Sharon.
Select A Shoot For Cutting
When starting a Rose of Sharon from a cutting in the spring or early summer, select a green branch of the plant with new growth that spring.
Select a hard branch grown for one season or longer to start new plants in the late summer or fall.
Cut The Shoot
Once you have picked a branch to root, cut a length between 4″ and 10″ inches long. Remove most leaves from the cutting but leave a few at the top of the shoot.
Prepare And Plant The Cutting
Dampen the cut end of the shoot and dip the cut end into a rooting hormone. It isn’t necessary to completely cover the end in rooting hormone; a little will be enough.
For container planting, put it in a pot, and cover the bottom 1/3 to 1/2 of the shoot with a soil-less mix.
Do not use potting soil or dirt for this project. Neither is sterile, and your cutting could attract plant infections or suffer from decay.
Water the pot lightly and place a clear plastic bag over the pot. Then, place the pot in a bright, sunny location.
Keep the potting mixture moist, but do not overwater the plant, as it may begin to rot. After a week, remove the plastic bag.
After a month or two, your cutting should have developed roots. You can tell by pulling gently on the stem. If you feel resistance to your pull, the shoot has rooted.
The appearance of new leaves is also a sign that your plant has developed roots.
Wait until at least two inches of stem growth has developed before transplanting the cutting into your garden.
Planting A Cutting Directly Into The Garden
If you don’t have time or a desire to transplant a cutting from a container, try planting a Rose of Sharon cutting directly into its new home.
Unfortunately, there is some risk that the cutting will fail to develop roots.
Follow the procedure described above. First, select a brightly lit spot suitable for planting hibiscus or Rose of Sharon.
Planting a cutting directly into your garden is best done in the summer, not in the spring or fall.
Growing Rose of Sharon From Seed
Wide varieties of Rose of Sharon produce seeds, though some hybrid varieties do not. Rose of Sharon grows naturally from seed, and you can plant seeds yourself.
To grow Rose of Sharon from seed, start twelve weeks before your area’s expected last frost date. Put soil-less mix in a container, and plant the seeds to a depth of a 1/2″ inch.
Next, moisten the soil with a mister, and place the pot in a bright, sunny location.
The ideal temperature for growing the Rose of Sharon from seed is 75° to 80° degrees Fahrenheit, so the area must be kept warm.
Keep the soil moist but not too wet. The seeds should germinate in 2 to 4 weeks.