< img src=" https://assets.rebelmouse.io/eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpbWFnZSI6Imh0dHBzOi8vYXNzZXRzLnJibC5tcy8yNDMxMTE1MS9vcmlnaW4ucG5nIiwiZXhwaXJlc19hdCI6MTYzNzM0ODM5OX0.nh1Vue8w_764aV2zqGpEUM1-i8mEkyCU6I0ssgaR-UQ/img.png?width=600&coordinates=286%2C0%2C286%2C0&height=600" > Literally no one swears like Samuel L. Jackson.As someone who made history with the line “I’m fed up with these motherf’ king snakes on this motherf’ king airplane, “and who is well understood as the narrator of the book” Go The F’ k To Sleep” and its sequel “Stay The F’ k In the house”– composed in action to social distancing steps in the continuous pandemic– you could say he actually earns a living off of swearing.Now? He’s offering swearing lessons. The catch? You should ensure you’re registered to vote.< blockquote data-partner=" rebelmouse” data-twitter-tweet-id=” 1305575344867389440″ >
Listen up – If 2500 of you click a ballot action below to make certain you’re #GoodToVote, I will teach you to swear i. https://t.co/qLqWzvWKM7— Samuel L. Jackson (@Samuel L. Jackson) 1600108393.0
Not only will he teach you to swear, he will teach you to swear in 15 various languages.
< blockquote data-partner= "rebelmouse "data-twitter-tweet-id=" 1305689108304494592" > @SamuelLJackson Examined, yes, still signed up to VOTE! Actually, I inspect a minimum of when a week.♀. Like to take … https://t.co/DQX5J7h67q– Ancientone( @Ancientone )1600135516.0< blockquote data-partner=" rebelmouse" data-twitter-tweet-id=" 1305867770370895872" >
@SamuelLJackson I have actually been a signed up voter for decades and you can be sure I’m going to ask for a mail in tally! … https://t.co/mhQWoY6IeJ— diane rosenthal (@diane rosenthal) 1600178112.0
< blockquote data-partner=" rebelmouse" data-twitter-tweet-id=" 1305585538867494912" > @SamuelLJackson This will be my Husbands very first time ever voting! Never ever too late or to old to make a change! This MF … https://t.co/fuFPdQG80f– MrsGinaLee( @MrsGinaLee )1600110823.0 Individuals are jumping at the chance to be advised in the methods of the swear by non besides Samuel L. Jackson himself.< blockquote data-partner =" rebelmouse "data-twitter-tweet-id=" 1305617267183493120" >@SamuelLJackson I did the thing. Excited waiting for our lesson. https://t.co/zJOgRtGzBA— sarah stays at home (@sarah stay at home) 1600118388.0
< blockquote data-partner= "rebelmouse" data-twitter-tweet-id=" 1305834492544929793" > @SamuelLJackson Hell yea I’m registered!https://t.co/Qp2cOYAsSE– Lara C( @Lara C) 1600170178.0< blockquote data-partner=" rebelmouse "data-twitter-tweet-id=" 1305891383207747584" > @SamuelLJackson I am signed up! I will be 65 in two months, and I have enacted every election because I was old eno … https://t.co/M410lUClKd– Melinda Piorkowski( @Melinda Piorkowski) 1600183742.0< blockquote data-partner=" rebelmouse" data-twitter-tweet-id=" 1305761069550284802" >@SamuelLJackson You don’t need to teach me I got that covered. All I desire from you is to cuss Donald Trump out one … https://t.co/FtySjXIjtg— Synitha Walker (@Synitha Walker) 1600152673.0
< blockquote data-partner=" rebelmouse" data-twitter-tweet-id=" 1305909967631900673" > @SamuelLJackson Fudge yeah!( I truly require assistance … )https://t.co/xzFVcYYs2J– Eric Murphy( @Eric Murphy) 1600188173.0 In terms of who Jackson is supporting inthe upcoming election?In signature swearing design, Jackson has made it really clear that he does not support” that motherf’ ker,” Donald Trump. @SamuelLJackson @AprilDRyan K. we need aid. We are residents however we live abroad. We never ever had the vote in the sta … https://t.co/0oq3kuq7fE– aharring( @aharring) 1600110039.0< blockquote data-partner =" rebelmouse" data-twitter-tweet-id= "1305683599526486018 "> @SamuelLJackson I’m only a long-term local from Canada and can’t vote. That citizenship documentation price hike was … https://t.co/F4j7fvRukf– Emz _( @Emz_) 1600134203.0< blockquote data-partner=" rebelmouse" data-twitter-tweet-id=" 1305596325170417667" > @SamuelLJackson @SamuelLJackson I’m ill of all of these MFing unregistered citizens in my MFing State! #RegisterToVote #GoodToVote– Toy Valentine( @Toy Valentine) 1600113395.0< blockquote data-partner=" rebelmouse" data-twitter-tweet-id=" 1305604749098659842" >@SamuelLJackson Done … ✅ twice to make double sure. I’ll tweet and reveal you I’m the very first individual in line for earl … https://t.co/k01E3oPJIO– Danetta Clayborn (@Danetta Clayborn) 1600115403.0< blockquote data-partner=" rebelmouse" data-twitter-tweet-id="1305618208179859458″ > @SamuelLJackson I’m( still!) Registered! https://t.co/fomdeTuWEq– #FamiliesBelongTogether Amy (@ #FamiliesBelongTogether Amy) 1600118612.0 If it takes swearing lessons from Samuel L. Jackson to vote, that choice is nowreadily available to you.Just vote.